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Download & install

Table of contents

  1. Downloading NivTurk
    1. Zip files
    2. Git clone
  2. Configuring your environment
    1. PNI virtual machines (Niv / Daw labs only)
    2. All other environments
  3. Installing dependencies

Downloading NivTurk

NivTurk is available for download on Github. There are multiple versions of NivTurk available, each compatible with a different participant recruitment platform (e.g. Prolific, MTurk, SONA). Be careful to download the correct version for your experiment plan.

Zip files

To download a specific version of NivTurk, you can use one of the following links:
Prolific | MTurk | SONA

Git clone

If you are comfortable using the command line, you can also clone a version of NivTurk:

git clone --single-branch --branch prolific
git clone --single-branch --branch mturk
git clone --single-branch --branch sona

Configuring your environment

The following steps are necessary to complete only once. These steps do not need to be repeated every time you want to serve an experiment.

PNI virtual machines (Niv / Daw labs only)

If you are first getting started on the Niv / Daw lab virtual machines, you need to set up a working python environment. To do so, you need to point your user account towards Anaconda install:

export PATH=/opt/anaconda/bin:$PATH
echo "export PATH=/opt/anaconda/bin:$PATH" >> .bashrc

The commands above only need to be run once. Next you will define a new conda environment:

conda create -n nivturk python=3.7
source activate nivturk

The first command will install python, and the second will activate the new environment. You will need to run this second command everytime you log onto the server. Alternately, you may add it to your bash profile by running the following:

echo "source activate nivturk" >> .bashrc

All other environments

We recommend using a separate conda environment for running experiments using NivTurk.

Installing dependencies

Once you have NivTurk downloaded and your environment configured, you can install its dependencies:

cd nivturk
pip install -r requirements.txt