
General resources

  • Stan reference manual: the Bible of the Stan modelling language. There is a 90% probability it has a solution to your problem (if only you could find where).
  • Stan forums: the official Stan discourse. Active and friendly community with relatively fast response times.
  • Stan case studies: many helpful and detailed demonstrations of Stan use cases. Be sure to look at the robust workflow examples for PyStan, RStan, and cmdStanpy.
  • Stan prior recommendations: recommendations for priors from Stan team. Always being updated (for better or worse).
  • Stan example models: a veritable treasure trove of prewritten Stan models across a wide array of statistical problems.
  • ShinyStan: helpful visualization tools compatible with RStan.
  • ArviZ: helpful visualization tools compatible with PyStan.
  • An Introduction to Stan by Michael Betancourt.

Stan for cognitive science

Bayesian Inference and more foundational knowledge